About Real Simple Healthy

At Real Simple Healthy, it’s my mission to empower individuals like yourself to embrace the principles of minimalism and embark on a journey toward a healthier and more fulfilling life. A minimalistic approach can bring about positive transformations in our lives. We can declutter physical spaces, clear our minds, and prioritize what truly matters.

Here, we provide practical tips, advice, and inspiring stories that will guide you toward achieving your health and wellness goals. By keeping things simple, we make it easier for you to make positive changes in your daily routine, transforming your life one step at a time.

Remember that if you don’t prioritize your life someone else will.
Greg Mckeown, Essentialism: The Disciplined Pursuit of Less
My Story

While still in high school, I began my career as an intern at Apple in Cupertino, California. A rare event for the time as people were usually only allowed to join their program while in college. After that, I started creating and building technology solutions for Fortune 500 companies for the rest of my professional life.

After the events on September 11th, 2001, I realized there was far more to life than just career advancement and set upon a journey to retire early so I could focus on what truly matters. During the pandemic, I learned about and adopted minimalist principles and focused on improving my overall health and well-being. Now retired, I want to share my enthusiasm for intentional living with an expanding community that shares my values.


It is being Real by embracing our true selves and being unapologetically authentic. It is about being honest with ourselves and others and not being afraid to show our vulnerabilities. Realness is a breath of fresh air in a world that often encourages conformity.

Moreover, it conveys using natural ingredients and not highly processed ‘food’ in one’s diet. Far too much of what we consume today has questionable nutritional value. Consequently, a shift toward consuming natural, whole foods has many health benefits.


One cultivates a life without unnecessary distractions and stress by focusing on minimalism and intentional living.

Amidst the chaos and noise of modern life, it’s essential to seek to simplify one’s surroundings, relationships, and daily routines. Simplifying allows us to focus on what truly matters, leading to greater clarity and contentment.


It’s prioritizing one’s health and well-being by choosing habits, food, and other lifestyle choices.

A healthy lifestyle encompasses physical fitness and mental and emotional well-being by incorporating regular exercise, nourishing foods, and self-care practices into one’s daily routine. By prioritizing health, you can show up as the best version of yourself and have the energy and resilience to pursue your passions.

Regardless of where you are, from just starting to your twilight years, embracing this philosophy is never too late or early. Trying to live a simpler life has been one of my most rewarding decisions. I’m thrilled to share my experiences and insights with you, hoping you may take away something that will improve your life, even if it’s just a tiny change.

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